What Can I Do if My Former Spouse Refuses to Pay Child Support in Tennessee?

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For many divorced parents, there is nothing more important than having a child support agreement in place that accurately reflects their financial needs. Raising a child can be costly, and having sufficient funds to do so is paramount. Unfortunately, there are times when spouses will refuse to pay child support in accordance with their divorce agreement. When this happens, it can have devastating impacts on both the parent and the child who depend on those payments. If you find yourself in this situation and you need your spouse to continue paying the payments to which you’re entitled, please continue reading and reach out to an experienced Memphis, Tennessee family law enforcement lawyer from Rice Law to learn more about how we can help you.

What should I do if my ex is refusing to pay child support in Memphis?

First and foremost, before getting involved in any legal proceedings, it may be best to simply speak with your ex and ask why they’ve missed support payments and whether they have any intention of reimbursing you. If your ex is indignant and refuses to make regular child support payments or you aren’t on speaking terms, however, you may have to start considering your legal options.

In this situation, the first thing you should do is retain the services of a knowledgeable Memphis, Tennessee family law attorney who can assess the circumstances and pursue the best route possible. In many cases, when one spouse refuses to make child support payments, we can try to get an income assignment order, which, if granted, would essentially warrant the automatic transferring of assets from your ex’s paycheck to the court clerk and then directly over to you, thereby forcing your ex to comply with your child support agreement.

That said, if this doesn’t work, we may even file a motion with the court to hold your ex in contempt, which could ultimately result in jail time. Of course, this is the last option, but we will do what’s necessary to ensure you and your child get the funds you need to retain your standard of living.

If you have additional questions about child support in Tennessee or enforcing a child support order, please don’t hesitate to speak with a competent attorney from Rice Law. We’re dedicated to helping families in Memphis and across Tennessee, and we’re ready to help you in any way we can as well.


If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in Memphis or anywhere in Tennessee, contact Rice Law to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.