Domestic violence is, unfortunately, far from rare. It can come in many forms, but ultimately, if you feel unsafe in your own home because of your partner, you’re most likely a victim of it. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself, and, if necessary, your children. Please continue reading and reach out to a Memphis, Tennessee domestic violence lawyer from Rice Law to learn more about this type of violence and how our legal team can help you get to safety. Here are some of the questions you may have:
How is domestic violence defined?
Domestic violence can loosely be defined as when a spouse, ex-spouse, romantic partner, or anyone else with whom a person shares a domestic space commits an act of violence against them. Domestic abuse can come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from physical, sexual, emotional, or even financial abuse. It’s important to note that domestic abuse can occur between any gender, race, or sexual orientation.
What can I do if I’m a victim of domestic abuse in Tennessee?
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, especially if you believe you or your children are in immediate danger, is call the police. They will arrive at your home and likely arrest the abuser. However, it’s important that you remain calm, because police are most likely to arrest whichever person they determine to be the “aggressor” in the situation. In most cases, once they make an arrest, they will issue a temporary protective order against the abuser, which should prevent them from coming into contact with you or your children until you attend a hearing where the restraining order will be made permanent, as long as you can prove the act of domestic abuse truly occurred. Our firm can help you through this process.
Can this type of violence warrant a change to a custody agreement?
Yes, it can, If you can prove that the individual in question has a propensity for violence and that your children may be in danger around him or her, then there is a strong chance you can modify your child custody agreement to get sole custody and keep your children safe. If you have any other questions or would like to learn more about how we can guide you through the process ahead, give us a call or contact us online today.
If you require strong legal representation for matters of divorce and family law in Memphis or anywhere in Tennessee, contact Rice Law to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today.