Can I Date During the Divorce Process?

two people on a date with wine and pasta

Love is uncontrollable and you cannot necessarily dictate when you will meet someone you are romantically interested in. Deciding to pursue a new relationship before your divorce is finalized is something only you can speak to. However, doing so has been proven to complicate matters and lead to additional disputes and longer resolution periods. If you are wondering whether or not it is advisable to date during the divorce process, speak with an experienced Shelby County, Tennessee divorce lawyer today.

Am I Allowed to Date During the Divorce Process?

You are allowed to date during the divorce process. There is no law that states you cannot go on dates or start a new relationship before your divorce is finalized. The only legal restriction is that you cannot be married to more than one person, so if you wish to marry your new partner you must wait until the divorce is official.

How Can Dating Before the Divorce is Finalized Impact Proceedings?

While it is not illegal to date during the divorce process various legal and personal complications can arise as a result.

When you begin dating someone new before the divorce is finalized, your spouse may believe that the relationship began earlier than it did and they could even suggest that you were having an affair. Adultery can change the circumstances of the divorce and impact issues like property division, alimony, and child custody.

Dating can also impact financial issues in the divorce. If your ex can prove that your new partner financially supports you or that you moved in with them it could affect alimony and child support decisions.

Getting into a new relationship during this process can impact a court’s perception of you. While dating is not uncommon for individuals going through a divorce if the timeline is suspicious or the judge believes you may have begun the relationship before filing for divorce, it could affect the outcome of the agreement.

Spending money, particularly large amounts, on or with your new romantic partner can also impact the divorce proceedings. If you use joint marital assets to fund a vacation, pay for nice dinners, give gifts, etc. it will alter the way a court will divide property between you and your spouse.

On a personal level, dating before the divorce is finalized can also negatively impact your relationship with your former spouse and children. It could be seen as disrespectful and hurt both their feelings and your relationship. Divorce is already hard on children, and when co-parenting is made more difficult it can severely affect your relationship with your kids.

Work With a Divorce Lawyer

It is crucial that you obtain help from a trustworthy and experienced divorce attorney during this process. Keep an open line of communication with your lawyer and ask their advice before making any important decisions. They will understand the implications of making certain choices and how they will affect your divorce proceedings.